2015年4月28日 星期二

序: 另一個的1,250公里 / Prologue: Another 1,250 km

當讀者們看到這篇文章,奴奴已經去完第二次日本,騎著老婆Giant TCR完成了另一個1,250公里的旅程回來香港了!(但第一篇遊記仍然只寫到一半 = =")
When you're reading this article, little Slave is already finished my 2nd cycling trip in Japan by my Giant TCR road bike. (Though the blog of my first trip is still in progress = =")

As I recall, 2 years ago, I was still an undergraduate student, planning my second cycling trip to Japan.....

2 years later, I have rode for 3,000 kilometers in Japan and starting my second job in my career. I would say it is quite enjoyable for both trips, but well, bit by bit, my memories keep running out. Am I going to do nothing and let this happen?

Actually, blogging for cycling trip is a rather frustrating work - Taking photos en-trip for the blog and recording the day's interesting things in the nights were quite exhausting. You also have to edit those photo and select it and post it on the blog for composing good articles after getting back to your town, while doing these earns you not even a penny!
(That's why I appreciate Gabriel a lot, who accompany me for my 1st trip to Taiwan and record the whole journey after getting back to Hong Kong. I shall proudly say that blog is definitely his masterpiece!)

But I'll promise you here I MUST finish the blog - just because of saving the memories as well as providing another piece of information to riders who need it. Starting from today, I'll write 2 blogs IN PARALLEL for my 1st and 2nd trip in Japan. It'll be hell but the joyful face I look at my teammates after they read these articles would encourage me to finish my own masterpiece!

Lastly I'm gonna pay my tribute to my teammates, Gabriel, Edmund, Kamo, Andy, Frank and Kevin, who went cycling trips with me. It's you who treated me priceless memories in my life, thank you very much!

*To English readers: Sorry to tell you that only prologue is translated at the moment as the translation process takes a longer time. It is promised that an English version will be provided after finishing the whole piece of work (Yeah, maybe it'll be next century lol) so please view the photos at this time.

2 則留言:

  1. 我由台灣那篇就開始follow到現在xD,很羨慕你們的熱血和衝勁呢>v<。話說完成一篇遊記真的不容易,短短一段文字背後埋藏很多心力,要加油哦!^^

    1. 謝謝你一直的支持呀,我還以為以前的追蹤者已經流失了。看來我要認真完成才能對得起讀者!
